The Burnwater House is a tavern in Lake-town situated in the Strongholds of the North. Its unassuming outwardly appearance makes it difficult to distinguish from the other wooden structures of Lake-town but what it lacks in architecture, it more than makes up for in fish smell. Sadly, Lake-town seems to have an ordinance forbidding the serving of non-residents so do not visit this establishment seeking refreshment. You will have better luck finding that outside...in the lake. |
The Dragonbone Inn is the largest tavern in Lake-town. It's multi-level construction, unassuming bouncer outside the front door, attractive bar keep, and rather insane looking bald man continually wiping the same spot on the bar gives the impression that the Dragonbone Inn is the place to be on a Friday night. But because Lake-town is a dry county and refuses service to travelers you will not be able to find refreshment here. While it's disappointing not to be able to partake of some local Dragonbreath Ale, it is worthy of note that this Inn is the smokiest tavern in all of Middle Earth. A quick trip into the balcony overlooking the bar and one can barely see his hand in front of his face. In some places the haze is thick enough to be cut with a knife. The source of the smoke is a mystery but either the chimney needs to be swept or the man wiping the bar has had way too much Longbottom Leaf. Judging by his attire and odd behavior my gold is on the leaf. While it is impossible to judge the quality of fare that is served from first hand experience, one can make an assumption that something on the menu doesn't exactly agree with the locals because right around the corner there is constantly a line outside the nearest outhouse. So either the food is very, very bad or that one particular outhouse is very, very good. I'll leave you to decide. |
The Jolly Bell is an upscale tavern in the city of Dale and is the nicest tavern located in the Strongholds of the North. The tables are clean, the fare is good, and there isn't a drunkard in sight. The upper level even provides a reading area and a rather flamboyantly decorated fireplace. The stage, set in the center of the tavern, is well lit and it's simple but elegant decor creates an inviting atmosphere for any passing musician. So if you're making your way to The Lonely Mountain be sure to stop in at The Jolly Bell and lift a pint. You won't be disappointed. |